Thursday, December 4, 2008

me, the entrepreneur

I've been busy the past 2 weeks with this online business community which aims to teach their members to achieve financial freedom. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. In fact, I even enrolled myself in an MBA program before (which I still have to finish btw). When I got married and when I had JB, all the more that I felt the need to have my own business. I don't want to be a corporate slave for the rest of my life. I may have climbed up the ladder but the price I have to pay for this is very high: my time. And time with my family is very important to me especially since JB is still young (I'm hoping that I can homeschool him when he's 3) and I have to be available on the few times that the husband is home (and this sometimes doesn't necessarily mean weekends).

I can always have time if I quit my job but that would mean strain in our monthly income. So business is really the way to go. This way, I own my time and the possibility to earn is endless. So I have been racking my brain on what business to venture on. I guess the law of attraction is indeed true as I received an email one day from a fellow military wife inviting me to this business community called Create Abundance. I'm sharing this to you because on the two times that I attended their focus group discussions, I have learned a lot. We even made a major overhaul in our budgeting process because Create Abundance taught me a money management system that really works! I have already finished module 2 (the program is until module 3). There's an assignment after each module and right now, the task on hand is really testing my "diskarte" and creative abilities to the core. Still, I'm learning. It's like I'm in MBA again. Only this time, it's for free!!! I didn't have to shell out 20K per term. haha! I only have to pay for my starbucks drink everytime I meet up with the group for the discussions. This could be the start of something grand! =)

If you want to join, just click on this link. Joining will just take 5 minutes of your time and it's pretty much just like friendster, only it's a business community. You can also check their website for more info.

1 comment:

Pinoy Blogger said...

Seems like we are on a same journey Berna. I believe nothing is coincidence in life, after all, everything happens for a reason. Good luck on your Entrepreneurship Exercise, and the upcoming exercise and panel interview.

More power to you Berna!
// Willy David Jr